Tuesday, April 22, 2008

checking in

Hi guys!!! Sorry I've been lagging in the updates lately. I have no real excuse other than not much new is gone on lately :( Lets see...... Marcus is starting to participate in my efforts to potty train him a little more. He goes on the potty at least 2 times a day so that's good. Although as JR pointed out is it really potty training him when I set a timer and make him sit every 15 mins? Aren't we just getting lucky? I think he's right but at the same time I really don't know any other way to do it. So if you have any advice I'm open to suggestions (which I might add is rare for me so take this opportunity while you can!!!:) What else.... Jailyn had her Fit a Thon fundraiser for school she ran the whole time 4 big laps in about 10 mins. Thank You to everyone that sponsored her!!!! Oh another Marcus thing he will be starting gymnastics classes as well. there is a 3-5 yr old class that goes on the same time as Jailyns with 3 other little boys in it so we are going to try it out. Marcus says he wants to do "nastics" too. Oh one last thing I haven't been keeping everyone up to date with our weight loss goals I am still losing I'm down to 24.2 lbs lost as of last Wednesday. I weigh in tomorrow so I will let you know how I did. JR on the other hand has decided to take the month off and start up again in may to lose before we leave for our cruise. That's it for now. Love you all!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Student of the Month Crazy hair day

Marcus and Jordie Jailyn Marcus and Grandma

Jailyn and Auntie Mary Marcus & Auntie Tee Tee

Jailyn in the box Jailyn & Marcus watching the game

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


JAILYN- Our beautiful little girl received the student of the month award today at school for Cooperation!!! She also hit off the pitcher again at her softball game last night.

ME- as for me I have lost another 3.2 lbs which puts my total at 23.2 leaving me with 43.4 lbs let to lose. Slowly but surly I'm getting there!!!

Angel Game- So on Friday April 4th we got to go to the Angel Game in style!!! My sister Alicia gave us tickets for her box ( Thanks Tee). We had alot of fun even though at the end of the 8th inning Marcus fell off a chair and scratched his head. It was bleeding so Alicia called the emergency people and Marcus and I got to ride in the little golf cart ambulance down to first aid. They checked him out and everything was fine, and he made out like a bandit. They gave him an Angels baseball, a teddy bear, a backpack and a lollipop, that on top of the 1lb bag of gummy bears, rally monkey and angels Mr Potato head Auntie Tee Tee already bought him. Needless to say Marcus can't wait to go to another baseball game!!!! Well my computer is being dumb so I will post pictures later!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


YEAH!!!!! Today at my weigh in I reached my 10% goal of 20 lbs!!!! I'm sooo excited I can't wait to make my Burke Williams reservations!!! So if anyone wants to go with me let me know and we can figure out a day that works!!!! Soon though!!! I also got some REALLY good news at the doctors office on Monday! Last time I was there they put me on cholesterol medication and told me that my blood pressure was borderline high and my A1C which tracks your blood sugars over a period of 6 months was 7(which is still pretty good). Well when I went on Monday he told me that both my blood pressure and my cholesterol were down into the healthy range and my A1C was 6.6( a non diabetic is someone with a 6 or below). So he said that if I promise to continue to exercise and lose weight that they are going to start weaning me off my insulin and put me on pills instead so that by the time reach goal I might not have to take insulin at all anymore!!!! I'm sooo excited!!!! I set my goal weight today and decided on 138lbs. That means I have 46.6 lbs left to lose!!!

Also I wanted to tell everyone that Jailyn hit off the pitcher for the 1st time on Saturday at her softball game!! Everyone was soo excited!!!!