Monday, October 26, 2009

Jailyns first slumber party

Well my baby girl will be 8 yrs old on Wednesday and she wanted to have a slumber party for her 8th b-day. Since we don't really use our living room & we don't have carpet so we did it at my mom's house. Bonnie stayed & helped me with the girls. They all seemed to have a good time & Jailyn really loved it!! Here are some pics!!
The girls with their cold cream & cucumber facials. They hated the cucumbers tough so I had to take this pic real quick so they could take them off!
They were dancing around the living room & Bonnie just got lucky with this action shot!!
The girls with Bonnie & the bunny that they caught in the neighbors yard. We ended up trekking all around the neighborhood trying to find it's owners.
Toasting in their purple sugar rimmed champagne glasses. Don't worry it was lemonade :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work I go...

So it is official!! My fingerprints have cleared & I am now ready to work!! I just got the call this morning from my supervisor that they want me to start on Monday!! Right now it's only Monday, Wednesday & Friday but I'm hoping to be placed on a Tuesday, Thursday case soon!! As most of you know I've been looking for a job since August & had been applying like crazy for anything that I qualified for. However a few of the things I applied for did not work with my schedule & would require me to put BOTH of the kids in after school care & at over $1000.00 for aftercare for both that was just out of the question. I finally went back to SELPA where I worked before Marcus was born. They were able to start me at what I was making when I left & give me the hours & days that I wanted. So I start on Monday ! I am just sooo glad that all the waiting & wondering is finally over. It was driving me CRAZY not knowing what I was going to be doing from 1 day to the next!! I'm not thrilled that I have to go back to work but at least it's only when the kids are at school so I won't be missing much!! Once we get into a routine things will be GREAT!!! I'm sooo relieved! As most of you know I don't stress out easily but these past few months have really been wearing on my nerves. Sooo glad it's over!!

OK so here are some pics of the kids because I know that's all you read this for anyway!!!

Marcus on his 1st day of Preschool
Jailyn on picture day! I like to take one myself because for some reason they ALWAYS take her picture & she's got a retarded fake smile on her face!!! I LOVE this color on her!!
That's all for now!!! LOVE YA!!