Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Well at 5:30 pm last night my baby boy turned 4 years old!  It's hard for me to believe that he is that old already.  I still remember everything about the day he was born & looking at him now there are only a few traces of that little baby left.  It makes me sad of course but at the same time I am excited about what & who he will become as he grows.  He brings us soo much joy & laughter.  He is a true comedian although he hates it when we laugh at him which pretty much rules out the stand up comedian route! Oh Well!  We will have to wait and see & I am in NO rush to see his teenage years come along!

Marcus got a dart gun from Grandma
After cake!!
His "Chlocolate" kung foo panda cake!

Marcus 4 year stats:
Height : 40 inches
Weight: 36 lbs
Vision : 20/20
My poor baby had to have 4 vaccines & an TB shot on Wednesday.  I felt soo bad for him.

That's it from me today.  Take care everyone!  Thanks for reading!
** I noticed my last two posts have been about marcus so I thought I should throw a Jailyn update in**
Jailyn is still doing Great! She is excelling at school and was soo excited because her teacher lost her voice & chose Jailyn to Read a story to the class & she got to give the other kids their spelling test on Friday!!  My little take charge girl was on cloud nine.  She also Received and Academic excellence award for her writing on Friday.  She takes after her Mommy in that respect.  She gets her Math skills from JR.  She is still rehearsing for her musical and is still really loving it!!  She leaves every rehearsal with a big smile on her face!!  Parents are not allowed to sit in rehearsals so I am excited to see what all the hard work turns out to be!

OK NOW I'm Really done!!!  I'll be back when we have more news!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My baby....

Has grown from this sweet little baby boy in to......
this big boy on his way to his 1st day of preschool!!!

He started at Jailyns old preschool today just 2 days a week for right now.  He's been asking to go to "Pschool" for a couple of months now so we decided to try & get him in just to get used to school.  He was VERY excited this morning jumping around in his seat on the way there & he couldn't wait to take off & play with the other kids.  He didn't even stick around to ay goodbye :(  We had to call him back over to give us a kiss goodbye!  He's definitely the polar opposite of Jailyn that's for sure!  His teacher said he was GREAT today & was the only kids she's ever had ask for second servings of green beans!!  That's my little fruit bat!!

These pics I took on Valentines day.  He got a kids shaving kit with "shaving cream" and a rubber "electric razor".  He couldn't wait to to "shave" with daddy!!  Please ignor JR with no shirt!  He hates it when I take pictures of him without his shirt.  Thay are just so cute I couldn't resist!